Why crystals are an amazing addition to your interior

Crystals Collection
Beautiful crystal

Crystals have been on Earth for millions of years, since the beginning of time really, carrying powerful vibrations, channeling and connecting humans to the healing energy and power of Mother Earth. Regarded as sacred in the Ancient World, almost every civilisation has used them as an integral part of religious, medicinal, divinatory and protective practices, for example in battle, during travels or against evil forces.

Due to their crystalline structure and the unique way their atoms and molecules move and interact, each crystal has his own fundamental frequency, his unique identity if you will, emitting energy at a constant frequency and creating an energy field. And as the human body is primarily composed of water and crystalline structures, meaning it is a conductive energy system running on vibrations, crystals’ vibrations can then affect our bodies and minds. A subtle electromagnetic current passes in fact between a crystal and a person whether or not they are in physical contact.

If you are sceptical about crystals’ properties and their effects, you might be surprised to learn that crystals are already extensively used in our modern societies, you are very likely to already benefit from their powers. In fact, one of the most common crystals on earth, quartz, is also one of the most utilised crystals in our modern world - it can be found in the latest technology and medical equipment, even in our kitchens. Think quartz clocks, computer’s chips and solar panels, computers, televisions, smartphones and other electronic devices with LCD screens (LCD = Liquid-Crystal Display, they rely on crystals to produce images). And quartz worktops for an extremely hard-wearing surface in our kitchens.

So what are the benefits of using crystals in your home?


Crystals offer protection

Crystals for protection

All homes have a subtle energetic history, an imprint left by everyone living in it and the previous events, the neighbours are even adding their vibes - sometimes the resulting energy is good, sometimes not so much. With benefits felt rather than seen, crystals are wonderful tools that can help with that.

Due to their specific energy and energetic field, some crystals create a protective shield that repels negative energies (that have by definition a lower vibration frequency). Some absorb and cleanse subtle emanations and emotional debris within your space and others are particularly effective for soaking up the electromagnetic disturbances created by TV, computers, phones etc…

Tip: a black tourmaline placed by the front door protects the whole house.


Crystals can attract abundance

As some crystals offer protection, others attract good vibrations. These crystals support your energy field and enhance your wellbeing.

Similarly to the protective crystals, they can work in different ways.
Some will radiate high vibrations that in turn will raise yours or fill your home with love and harmony, others will soak up and transmute toxic energies into beneficial ones by changing the frequency.

Tip: a citrine just inside the entrance invites in abundance and good vibes.

Citrine for abundance

Crystals are pretty

Even if you are still not convinced that crystals can do all that, you can’t deny that they are gorgeous! So even if you don’t believe in their powers, they will be a very aesthetically pleasing addition to any interior.

There are hundreds of varieties, coming in different colours, shapes and sizes so you can integrate them in your colour scheme or choose one appealing to you. Use them as ornaments, play with the various shapes by mixing standing pointed ones with clusters and geodes, express yourself with them!

And who knows, maybe they’ll work their magic on you.

Clear Quartz on Nightstand

Crystals aren't a magic potion, they don't put a magic spell on you but are a pretty cool tool we could benefit from in our spaces - remember to cleanse frequently to max up their effects!



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