Vibration Interior Design

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Christmas 2020 - How to decorate your interior on a budget

Christmas this year is going to be quite different from what we are used to, and whilst I’m sure we all want to experience the festive spirit, many of us have been financially affected and won’t be able to spend as much on the decoration as usual. Or it might be that you are looking for a more meaningful and somehow more minimalist lifestyle, or you only have a tiny space.

So with that in mind, I’m giving you ideas today to bring the Christmas spirit into your home without breaking the bank!

Downsize the Christmas tree

Ok, this is THE Christmas symbol par excellence but sometimes it’s not an option. So what could you do?

If you are really attached to getting one, you can get a smaller tree - it will be more affordable, easier to carry from the shop to the house and you can use one of your existing side tables to display it, you don’t need to either move everything to fit a big tree or have a mansion.

If you are willing to go even further, you can instead look at getting some branches (pine, fir, other) at your local garden center, online or if you are lucky enough to live outside of a big city you can go straight to the nature.
You can then make some floral arrangements in a vase or a box, with pine cones, red berries, some ribbon and even use some of your existing bubbles to decorate.

Next, the lighting

I think lighting always plays an important role in our interiors, it can make or break it but I feel it’s even more true for Christmas.

I don’t know about you but for me, Christmas goes hand in hand with twinkle lights. I’m pretty sure most of us already have some, so let’s use them! Even if you don’t have a tree this year or it’s too small. Instead, put them on your mantelpiece, or around a shelve or an alcove.

Another really cool thing to do is to upcycle some bottles and mason jars to display the twinkle lights inside, it’s going to create such a cosy and magical atmosphere.

Of course, candles also play a major role in creating a festive feel for our interiors, their soft glow is so inviting, mystical and almost sacred! Now that the days are at their shortest, it’s the time to get them out and multiply them, it won’t be a faux pas. Use what you already have, tea candles or stick, thin or thick, lanterns etc…

Another upcycling tip would be to use either a glass, bottle, dome or cloche you already have and place the candle(s) inside. Have you also thought of keeping your tins, creating some small puncture holes with a nail and hammer, painting them and adding a tea candle inside? It can create such a wow factor for something so affordable.

Lastly, the scent

You know it, a scent can instantly transport us back to a specific place or time, bringing up memories, and it’s also true for Christmas.

Downsizing on the Christmas tree but getting real, natural elements will instantly bring the nice smell inside with them, it’s an easy thing to do that will work wonders.

Another easy option is to of course buy a scented candle, there are plenty of seasonal ones around.

And if you are even more resourceful and are willing to do a tiny bit of craft, you can create your own smell by using both in conjunction. Take a glass container (or your upcycled tin) and place around your candle some fir branches, the fume of the candle will bring out their smell for sure! You can add some pine cones, some cinnamon or any other natural ingredient you associate with this time of the year!

To get you even more inspired and show you that you really don’t need a traditional Christmas tree to get into the Christmas spirit, I have created for you a special Pinterest board with all kind of alternative ideas that I like, you can find it here.
